

Chihuahua mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

McCartney has been at Muttville rehearsing his soon-to-be hit single “I’ve Found My Forever Family”. Now, all this sweet chihuahua needs is the perfect venue to perform it in…your home!! Sir Paul has charmed audiences from as far away as Stockton (where he was found as a stray). The shelter there knew this shy guy had star material written all over him, he just needed some time and lots of love to build up his confidence! He came to us with a swollen eye and a dislocated lens, so we fixed up and it’s no longer bothering him. He’s as good as new now!McCartney is tired of being a solo artist and ready to join your family band if you’ll give him the chance.

McCartney is no older than 7 (possibly younger!) and weighs 9 pounds.

McCartney McCartney McCartney McCartney McCartney McCartney McCartney McCartney