

Australian Shepherd Mix
Medium (20-50 lbs)
Status: Adopted for hospice care

Maka is an adorable Australian Shepherd who is living proof that love is a four legged word.

This dainty little lady is striking tri-color beauty who will mesmerize you with her eyes, and will melt your heart with her gentle demeanor. Friendly and trusting, this beloved one has the hearts of everyone at Muttville in the palm of her little paw. It’s impossible to walk by her and not be stunned by her amazing looks and elegant manner. Maka loves to be outdoors and go on long car rides; as well as relax in-doors close to her people. This beloved one is ready for an adventure and for someone to give her the love that she needs and also wants to give back in return. Like a glorious and delicate hibiscus flower, Maka is in full bloom and life’s possibilities are endless for her. All she needs is to find her forever home. A home is where the heart is, and every home needs someone like Maka. Open up your heart and home, and come to Muttville and meet Maka today!

Maka is estimated to be 15 years old and weighs 34 lbs.

Watch Maka here!
Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka