

29 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted

Lovely Loofah is long of body, short of legs, and big of heart!

This blond scruffimuffin has the softest fur and most adorable ear floofs. Gentle Loofah is super sweet and loves to be with people; she’ll trot alongside you and softly nudge you for pets. However, she’s not needy and settles down nicely when you’re busy. What a golden girl!

Here’s a note from her foster:

Loofah is a sweet and quiet girl who is just beginning to come out of her shell. She’s been through a lot of changes recently so she will need some time to settle into any new environment.

She loves walking around our backyard. She goes in and out between naps and enjoys going for a walk. We walk her 1-2x daily and they are short walks – but today we went around the full block! It’s mostly a slow sniffing expedition but when we show her the leash she definitely gets up.

She shows interest in people and she likes our dog. She doesn’t play or wag her tail but they follow each other around.

We brought that big crate home for her but I felt she didn’t like it – we have big beds in all the rooms for her now and she loves those. She usually is where we are but also sometimes takes herself to one of the other locations. At night she sleeps in our room but usually she goes out the living room in the night. I feel like she might like to be on the floor right next to me but there’s just not enough room.

Loofah is quiet and mellow. We have had kids, neighbors, other dogs around her and she shows no fear or nervousness.

She doesn’t ask for anything, no licking, she doesn’t ask to be petted, or up on the couch, bed, or a lap. But we are giving her lots of snuggles and pets all the time and I think she likes it!

Loofah does seem to be almost completely deaf, not reacting to any loud sounds. We’ve tested her with claps, whistles and other loud, sudden sounds and she doesn’t react.

She is a really sweet girl and I feel if she gets a lot of continued attention and affection she will come all the way out of her shell!

Loofa Loofa Loofa Loofa Loofa Loofa Loofa Loofa Loofa Loofa Loofa