

Catahoula Leopard Dog/Terrier, Pit Bull
57 lbs (large)
Status: Adopted

Technically a medium-sized dog, Lois the Catahoula Leopard Dog is nothing less than supercolossal when it comes to factors unrelated to her size. Her coat is haute couture, with spots and speckles in peanut-butter cup hues. Her manners are sublime. Clearly a brainiac, she follows directions with ease (especially when they are delivered with a treat), and greets new folks with ears up, eyes bright and wagging, ready for a cuddle or a chore. Here from LA, leaving space for pets rescued from wildfires, she is a gregarious friend to dogs and people, with the agility to accompany athletic members of both species for hikes, beach parties or wilderness adventures. Adopt her for fun, big love, and companionship. Also to have her organize your closets; we think it’s in her wheelhouse.

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