If cuteness was a sport, Little Brownie would be the GOAT. A diminutive terrier in chocolate beach curls, his beard-brow-stache game is fire. Some choice speckles and ear accents take it to another level. And the sweetie pie disposition? We’re swooning over here! Adorability aside, Lil B is a modest chap who likes a slow-paced intro and gentle scritches on a first date. He’s a fan of dogs and people, enjoys a trot and warms up to cuddles with a little tender reassurance. Imagine what a forever home full of TLC and comfy stability would do for this handsome boy. Better yet, take him home and find out!
Here’s some notes from his foster:
So far Lil B is very sweet, great with other dogs and great with cats and just wants to snuggle. He’s definitely has energy and seems comfortable on leash.