

9 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Lace’s adoption fee has been covered by a superfan!

Lace has eyes that will pierce your soul in the best way possible! They are almost human to the point that she does get carded down at the local pub. She isn’t one to get rowdy, she never ever barks, and she gets along well with other mutts. Lace is a quick learner, she prefers to sit back and watch how things work before trying it out for herself. She is currently testing out a variety of treats while trying to find the one that tickles her fancy. If you are into science experiments or love watching the history channel, Lace is the one for you!

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Lace is doing great at our house and with our two other chihuahuas. She’s extremely mellow and non-reactive. She hasn’t barked once, but her little grunts let us know where she is!

So far she is eating well but doesn’t seem super food-motivated. She turns down treats sometimes in a way that our other dogs don’t! She seems to otherwise be a fast learner.

She can jump on our low couch most of the time, but not our bed. I wouldn’t call her particularly agile or spy, but she’s not super fragile either despite being tiny!

She seemed to enjoy sleeping in bed with us (and the other 2 dogs, lol). She’s taken to following me around everywhere I go and it’s precious. She even poked her head in the shower yesterday to say hi.

She’s definitely new to the leash. Overall it seems like she much prefers to cuddle than go outside. We are working on making outside time enjoyable for her!

Lace Lace Lace Lace Lace Lace Lace Lace Lace Lace Lace