

Terrier, Boston
14 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

*Here is what Joey’s foster has to say:

Are you looking for a dog who will make you LOL all day long!? Joey is chock full of personality and looking for a new family who will celebrate a small, practically hairless, snorting, bossy hambone. Joey is a classic Boston Terrier: happy, snuggly, confident and playful. She is definitely ready to be “Insta Famous” !

Joey peters out pretty quickly on walks, but she is happy and comfortable in a backpack, so when I’d like to go further than a block or 2 I stick her in there and she settles in to snort and relax and take in the sights and smells.

I made the mistake of thinking she was rather low energy, but when I brought out a ball she came ALIVE! Joey loves toys of all sorts, bones, stuffed things to tug on, and especially the ball! She doesn’t fetch, she just loves to run after it, then lay down and chew on it until she decides she’d like you to throw it again. She also gets very excited about hoses, vacuums and leaves, really most things that move and have some kind of sound!

She would prefer at all times to be on your lap or up in your arms, but she has been learning some good boundaries here and will settle herself down (usually in some laundry) if you ignore her. She sleeps on a dog bed in our bedroom, we insisted she sleep there and after the first 2 nights she understood that was the routine and adjusted very well. She will last until around 6 when she lets you know she’s ready for cuddles on the bed. Also like most smoosh face dogs she is a next level snorer, so a light sleeper may have a hard time with this one!

She loves food but usually only eats a little at a time. I get the feeling she was free fed or spoiled like a princess, since she will eat best from my hand or a spoon. She is learning to eat from her bowl like a dog, but she definitely has her preferences! She is house trained, but we are very on top of making sure she stays consistent with that by taking her out often.

We have 4 other dogs of all sizes and many guest dogs and Joey is great with everyone! She is very confident though and can be cluelessly pushy – if not regulated she will stick her head in another dog’s bowl for example – so she’d do best in a home with more easygoing dogs that can handle a little cow! She loves to cuddle with any warm body that will have her.

Joey has some skin issues and has tremendous hair loss, so a sweater and a warm environment will suit her best. She has a stiff little body and can occasionally be wobbly, so a stair-free home will be best for her.

Overall Joey is such a delight, funny and teeming with so much personality, she can’t wait to meet the lucky person who she’ll get to snore next to for the rest of her life!

Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey