

6 lbs (toy)
Status: Adopted

Joey is a sweet boy with plenty of pep in his step. You’ll love watching his little tippy taps around the neighborhood when you take him for walkies. Joey has studied scritches his whole life, and can easily spot the human most likely to give him some. Hint: it’s you.

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Joey is happiest when he’s with you, and his favorite activity is being snuggled up under a blanket on the couch, or right next to you under the covers on the bed. As much as he likes being near you, he also understands that humans sometimes have to go out, and he is totally fine with being left alone for a couple hours – no crying or pacing, as long as he has a comfy spot to nap and wait for you to return.

He’s potty trained but when he has to go, he has to go. He’s able to hold it for two to three hours at a time, and I’m working on having him let me know when he has to go out. He enjoys short walks in the sunshine (gets cold very easily), and he’ll definitely let you know when he’s had enough and is ready to go back to the couch he spends most of the day napping, but he’s happy to go out with you and does have some spurts of play energy.

Joey is cool and collected, and is unbothered by loud sounds, cats, barking dogs or new people. He gets along beautifully with my dog, they both respect each other’s space and are very neutral towards each other, which I think Joey prefers.

Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey Joey