Jackie Blue

Jackie Blue

9 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

As a retired Canine Resources Manager, Jackie Blue has experience listening to complaints all day long – so if you have interpersonal issues you need to vent about, she will gladly pretend to empathize. JB may seem shy at first, but before you know it she’ll be snuggled up in your lap, ever so comfortable, luxuriating in your scritches and cuddles. If you like peppy little gals who get along great with everyone, you must meet Jackie Blue!

Here are some notes from her foster

Precious Jackie Blue is as sweet as they come. This little one has the most unbelievably soft fur and she’s the perfect work-from-home buddy. Sometimes she curls up in my lap while I’m working and I forget she’s there! She is very quiet and she has hardly made a peep since she came to our house. Jackie is GREAT with other dogs, big and small. It’s clear that she’s used to being part of a pack and she would be a wonderful addition to a home with other dogs. Also, she seems to be housetrained! She is very good about taking care of business outside. Jackie’s past didn’t include much walking on leash, so we’ve mostly been hanging out in our fenced yard for now. She can be a bit skittish when you first pick her up, but once you scoop her up, she is happy to cuddle for as long as possible! Jackie will cuddle with anyone: me, my husband, and our 10 year old son. She is a true sweetheart and we will miss her when she moves on to her forever family!

Jackie Blue Jackie Blue Jackie Blue Jackie Blue Jackie Blue