

Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Calling all beagle lovers! Ivory would love to meet you!

Ivory comes to us from Oakland, but is pleased as punch to find herself at Muttville – she’s always wanted to see San Francisco! She’s been making the most of her time here at Muttville, enjoying walks and hanging out with the volunteers. Of course, she’s ready to find a home – and couch – of her own. She’s a big fan of watching sports, especially baseball, but she’d be perfectly happy watching whatever you like best! Once the show’s over, she would be thrilled to take some walks around the neighborhood, or perhaps play a game of fetch. Fill out an application for this beautiful beagle today!

Ivory is estimated to be 10 years young and weighs 15 pounds.

Ivory’s foster has wonderful things to say about this lady:

If I could change her name, it would be Dora (the Explorer). She sniffed out my house & yard completely before settling in for a nap. Ivory’s a sweet girl who is interested in meeting other dogs and – interestingly – her tail wagging goes off the meter with cats. She’s been through a lot & it takes her a while to warm up, but I think once trust is established she’ll be a true-blue buddy. I took her to a restaurant with a deck & she was wonderful – no muss, no fuss – just basked in the sun. There were quite a few people there & I was impressed with her calmness. I took her to the beach for several walks – which she loved – and timed her out at about 30 minutes tops at a leisurely pace. At home she wants to observe the world in her bed or on the sofa. She believes getting 10 or 12 hours of beauty sleep is important. Sometimes she needs help getting on the couch & when she does she’ll come to you for a lift. While she hasn’t interacted one-on-one with other dogs on walks, when they go by she is very interested & wants to go say hello. Her house-training is a work in progress. Most of the time she’s been good at communicating her need to go out, but there have been a couple of accidents. Pee pads are a good idea for now & then focus on training when she’s relaxed & settled in. She loves to nap on her orthopedic bed – it’s under the kitchen table & I think it’s her equivalent of a “she shed”.In deep grass she likes to get her nose right to the ground & roll around. Very cute!

Ivory Ivory Ivory