Itty & Bitty

Itty & Bitty

Toy Poodles
X-small (under 6 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Meet Itty and Bitty! This precious pair of apricot-colored curly little toy poodles are so darn cute that it’s ridiculous. They’re already stealing hearts left and right!

It’s hard to imagine how anyone could mistreat or neglect these two sweet brothers. But apparently that’s what happened to these innocent dogs, judging on the condition they were in when they arrived at the Kern Country Animal Shelter. One of them had a terrible gash on his back that was badly infected (possibly from escaping some enclosure). But when they were found running around loose on the street, they were still together – two brothers sticking together no matter what. And now that they’ve found their way to Muttville, we hope to see them finally be welcomed into the loving home that they deserve, together forever.

Teeny and Tiny weigh a whopping 9 pounds combined – perfect for city living, but they’d be just as happy out in the country with a big yard to run around and play in – as long as it’s secure! But wherever these two little guys end up, as long as they have a warm bed and loving arms to come to at the end of every fun-filled day, they’ll be happy.

Come meet these little angels today!!

Itty & Bitty Itty & Bitty Itty & Bitty Itty & Bitty Itty & Bitty