Inky is looking for an activity partner (or partners) to do cool s@*t with! He has his eye set on either a hot air balloon ride, sky diving, or a walk in the park. He’s not saying he’s committed to doing all three, just as long as he can catch a breeze through his soft white hair and burn off some energy. If you’re the adventurous type and love a scruffy Terrier who is constantly smiling, bring a sack lunch for two and a leash. Inky says let’s dooooo this!
Here’s some notes from his foster:
I’ve had Inky for 4 days now and he has warmed up so much:)If you let him, Inky will melt your heart. The sweetest, cuddliest, attention-loving, happy boy there is. He loves to explore new places and meet new dog friends (of all sizes, he can hold his own!). Inky is always down for a walk but will ask-by staring at you with his big eyes-to be carried if it’s a long one. After being active, he loves to find the closest lap to cuddle up in and take a nap.
He has had no accidents in the house and while he was shy at first to eat, once he was comfortable in the new space he chowed!