

12 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Hudson is a gentle potato with plenty of tail wags and neck rolls. This cute boy loves snuggles, snacks, and reading science fiction. It’s true, he can’t ski, and he probably can’t help with your taxes, but he can definitely warm your lap and your heart. Good boy, Hudson!

Some notes from Hudson’s foster:

Hudson is a ball of wiggle and flop. He just might be the perfect dog! He’s delightful, playful, and loves to cuddle and have fun around the house. He is always up for a snuggle session and has a way of ensuring your entire lap is receiving his Hudsy-baby brand of squish.

Hudson is pretty playful – loves to throw his body around, telling a nearby blanket or toy where to go. Balls of packaging paper had no chance with Hudson around! He throws his body on top of them in a downward-facing dog motion. Pause. Repeat. Most of the time, he seems like a much younger dog. He is active but will settle down and sleep while I work. He can get a little underfoot, especially at meal times.

Hudson is a great eater and will let you know through excited yips and yaps that you need to prepare his meal faster. While I wouldn’t say Hudson is a barker, he does communicate with a bark if he wants something, usually that it’s time to play or pet him.

Hudson is great with other dogs and has zero reaction to them.

Hudson is wobbly with his arthritis, so he needs to be lifted up and down the stairs (even if it’s just one step) and up and down from a chair or couch for those fantastic snuggle sessions.

Hudson does have to pee quite often. I take him out every 2-3 hours, although he’ll hold it if I confine him to a small area overnight (like in an X-pen with his bed in it). I keep Hudson in a belly band in the house, just in case. Ideally, someone with a backyard that can just open the door for Hudson to go outside will be the easiest pee situation for Hudson and his forever person.

Hudson does great being left alone at home while you go to work or run your errands. In every new home that he’s placed in he will always be a little nervous at first, but once he’s comfortable and feels safe, he’s an angel when left alone.

Overall, Hudson just may win the award for cuddliest, sweetest guy. He’s going to make the perfect companion for anyone who needs to remember how loved they are on a daily basis!

Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson