

Retriever, Yellow Labrador
84 lbs (large)
Status: Adopted

Did you know there’s a Springfield in every state? Homer has traveled from Springfield Maine to Springfield Colorado, all the way to Muttville San Francisco! He’s had every job imaginable, but his favorite job was loving on his humans. Homer is an extremely friendly guy who just wants to impress you with all the cool tricks he can do! He can’t pull a rabbit out of a hat, or make anyone disappear, but he can sit, shake, and make you fall head over heels for him! D’Oh!

Here’s some notes his foster:

Homer is such a great dog! He is super mellow but loves a good game of fetch. He’ll run and jump to catch the ball and will continue to play as long as you’re willing. Walks are so relaxing with him too. He doesn’t pull on the leash, go crazy when he sees other dogs, or want to sniff every flower. Just goes at your pace so you get a bit of exercise too.

He can hold it for the night (7-8 hours).

He seems very smart as he is already understanding our routines.

He loves being around people!

He’s not a barker! We’ve only heard him bark one time when we left him downstairs for night.

He loves his meals, fetch, pets, sleeping on cushy dog beds or rugs, and walks. Overall, settling in very well and has been a very good 1st foster for us!

Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer Homer