

Dachshund, Miniature Smooth Haired/Chihuahua
16 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Meet Higgins, the fabulous Chi-weenie-potato mix with the rakish flippity-floppity ears that you’ve been seeing in all the fashion magazines lately. While you may spend hours crimping and styling your listening flaps every morning, this lucky trendsetter just wakes up that way. Higgins is such a good boy; he’s great with kids, loves walkies, and is just so full of joy. Please also note the stylish white detailing on all of his extremities. Whoever is designing dogs these days is killing it.

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Look at this little brown and white dreamboat! Higgins is a total sweetie pie who LOVES people. His favorite activity is going for meandering walks in the neighborhood where he can say hello to every human who is willing to give him some attention. He so far hasn’t been particularly interested in other dogs, and he seems a bit picky about the ones that he does meet; but most of the time he just ignores other dogs on our walks.

When Higgins first arrived with us, he did not seem to be house-trained, but he is learning really quickly. With the introduction of a predictable routine, plus lots of boiled chicken rewards, we have now had several days in a row with no accidents in the house! I think he’ll adjust quickly in his new home. He is incredibly food-motivated, so training new behaviors is going pretty easily so far.

Higgins is a fantastic boy with only a few minor quirks that we are working with him on, and will probably need continued attention in his forever home. First, he can be hesitant about walking through certain doors in our apartment building; we’ve been doing a combination of bribing him with treats, and just picking him up and carrying him to go through those doors.

Secondly, we haven’t seen him do any stairs yet. Because he’s been wearing a cone (post-surgery) since we’ve had him, we haven’t pushed the issue. If he is already lacking confidence around stairs, we don’t want him to get tripped up on the cone and reinforce an existing fear. I don’t think he is physically incapable of doing stairs, he just seems uninterested in trying them so far. I think he’ll get there with some encouragement!

Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins