

Bulldog, English
49 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted

When Halford’s not busy at the gym, practicing his left hooks and rope-a-dopes, he enjoys all of life’s fine offerings: pets, cuddles, snacks, walks, and just being super sweet to everyone. Halford is a peppy, energetic fellow who ambulates like a pro with his strong, sturdy legs. Stairs? No problem! Couch? Don’t mind if I do! Moving into your house and becoming part of your family forever and ever? Yes pleeeease!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Hal is doing great! He continues to be the most sweetest dog imaginable. Words can’t even begin to describe how sweet he is. He is so incredibly affectionate. I truly think he would be great with kids. He’s also really good around other dogs. I’ve taken him a few times to mori point and he absolutely loves it. He was great with the dogs on the walking path and the beach. He’s good at having the ball thrown and bringing it back.

He loves his walks so much. He’s getting better everyday with his leash training. He’s doing really well with sit and stay. I am using treats to train him but today he did it without them so I think he’s doing good picking it up.

The car is still a work in progress. He gets really excited to get in it but wants to move around even in a seatbelt so I have been using the crate but I think as he gets more comfortable with his other training this will only get better. I have no doubts.

He’s starting to gain some much needed weight and is looking quite good. I get stopped all the time by many people asking about him and get many compliments of how gorgeous he is and what a cute face he has. I couldn’t agree with them more!

I’ve also started to crate train him and that’s going really well also.

Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford Halford