

10 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Gunnar is a tiny little super guy with shy puppy vibes who could easily be mistaken for a loaf of potato bread. He’s just as delicious, gluten-free, never stale and has zero calories. We suggest enjoying him slightly toasted in a patch of sun. His ears are elite, by the way; and he is house-trained, youthful, and good with cats, dogs, and kiddos. Do you love him already? He loves you more.

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Gunnar is very sweet and very adorable. One of his ears just flops over a teeny bit and he has a little white tip on is tail

He is warming up everyday. His tail is always wagging when he wakes up and he will gladly snuggle with you all day. He’s got pretty good energy but those little legs don’t need to walk too far.

So far on walks he isn’t reactive to anything. He likes to sniff around and is slightly curious about other dogs. He seems to be pretty well potty trained too.

He is very curious about what is cookin’ for dinner and likes to hang out under the table while you eat and sit on your feet hoping a crumb may fall off. It’s so heartwarming.

He is a pretty good listener too with those big ears of his. He is pretty responsive to ‘sit.’

Gunner is looking for his forever home and lots of love.

Gunnar Gunnar Gunnar Gunnar Gunnar Gunnar