

Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Gramps is a rollicking little Dachshund who is pretty as a peach and will have you grinning like an opposum eating a sweet tater!

This cheeky little light-colored Doxie is lively, curious and affectionate. Gramps is as wonderful you could imagine, and is definitely not an old fogey! He may have some silver in his fur, but his heart is pure gold. Don’t let the name fool you, Gramps has the personality of a young whipper-snapper! He loves to run and take relaxing strolls around the neighborhood, and he has this cute little jaunty way of walking! There’s definitely some pep in this charming little geezer’s step. He also loves hanging out with his favorite people and dog buddies, and wags his little tail really fast when he’s happy! Gramps is the whole kit and caboodle, the whole shebang, the whole ball of wax, he’s the whole everything you could want and more! So, y’all come one down now, ya hear? No need to throw a hissy fit! Just hitch a ride down to Muttville and come meet Gramps today!

Gramps is estimated to be 13 years young and weighs about 10 pounds.

Gramps Gramps Gramps