I am needing to find a home for Gertrude. She is an attention loving spayed and microchipped 60lb mastiff mix. Her DNA test came back at 50% Dog de Bordeaux and the half a mix of American Pit, Rottweiler, Cane Corso and Lab. She is 6 years young and will be celebrating year 7 on March 5th.
Gertrude can be shy with strangers at first, but once warmed up, she will be right there demanding love. She is great with cats. She gets along with most dogs, but will get grumpy like any older lady would. She has not been exposed to young kids, but has lived in a home that fosters teens and has been the best ambassador.
Gertrude loves adventures, chasing shadows, and car rides. She would make a great running or hiking buddy. If given the chance, she will be more than happy to curl up next to you on the sofa or in bed. She is potty trained and kennel trained.
Due to unforseen health issues, I am unable to care for her like I have been. I am hoping that she can find a loving home that she can spend her golden years and make new memories.
This is a courtesy post. Gertrude is not a Muttville dog. If you are interested in adopting Gertrude and want to learn more about her, please contact: Jennifer at (530) 513-2923 or sirronej@gmail.com.
Posted on 01.28.25