

Chihuahua, Short Coat
9 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Sweet, lanky Galina has the longest and loveliest of leggies, but you will rarely get to view them. You see, Galina’s number one passion is finding blankets and shnuggling herself up into them so that only her perfect little head remains visible. But that’s fine! Her face says it all, don’t you think? Who needs to see the rest?

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Galina is 80% couch potato, 20% ball chaser extraordinaire. Her favorite thing is to have you toss her soft, squeaky ball around for her to chase. She’ll even toss the ball around for herself if you’re occupied. She’s usually good after 5 – 10 minutes of playtime and heads back to her donut bed to relax for the next few hours.

She’s extremely quiet and will only softly whine if she needs to go out potty. She has bark-corrected a dog twice (when they stepped on her), but it’s not aggressive – just annoyed. She’s fine with the 5 other dogs in the house, but would also be completely fine as an only dog. She can walk on a leash, but for now she’s just using our yard. (She even takes herself down two flights of stairs to go out on her own if she needs to pee off our daily schedule!) She will also use a puppy pad in an emergency.

She is very smart. She’s picked up potty training, food schedules, her name, very quickly. She also loves to sleep in the sun, so you’ll find her dragging her bed around the room for optimum vitamin D exposure!

She is oh-so-tolerant, even as she’s endured daily subcutaneous fluid needle pokes, vet appointments, and other medical intervention to get her healthy again. She eats her kidney diet food without any complaints and has turned into a very good eater – hard or soft food, it doesn’t matter to her!

Currently she’s not a lap/couch/bed dog. While she will want to be in the same room as you, she prefers a deep (donut) dog bed, snuggled in a blanket.

She is hands down one of the BEST dogs we’ve ever fostered. We love her so much and anyone who adopts her will be so happy!!

Watch Galina loving the ball!
Galina Galina Galina Galina Galina Galina Galina Galina