

Miniature Pincher/Chihuahua
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Fletcher is a super great little guy. He looks like a min pin – chi mix….a PinChi! ha! He is super handsome and full of character and spunk. He is on the older side, but he does not know it. He loves to bop around and explore. His tail is always wagging and he is a true gentleman. He has one shrunken eye that he does not see well out of and because of this can act a little startled at first when you pet him on that side, but right away is so happy to get pets! He did great with the other dogs even though he isn’t neutered yet. He cannot do stairs just due to his super senior status. He would do great in most homes, but younger kids may just startle him a bit. He was found as a stray from Stockton. I really like this little dude and he is a very Muttville Mutt! Go Fletcher go!

Fletcher is guesstimated to be 9yrs young and weighs 15lbs.


Fletcher is a super sweet and quiet little boy, just the most polite dog ever. He hasn’t barked once since we started fostering him. He likes to chill next to me while I work from home, and when it’s sunny outside, he enjoys bopping around a little bit in our backyard. He lost his right eye and has cataracts in his left eye, so his vision isn’t the greatest, but he gets around by himself fairly well despite all that. He didn’t use the stairs at our home at first, which meant we had to carry him up and down the stairs to our backyard to do his business, but lately he’s actually been helping himself to the backyard. Hooray for Fletcher! So it may have been just an issue of him getting used to the stairs and being watched closely until he gets the hang of it!

Fletcher is super easy to take care of and is just the most easygoing mutt. He politely waits at your feet while you prepare his food, and he sure loves him some chicken and cheese! He would love nothing more than to sit by you and keep you company through these long days of quarantine. He likes going for daily walks and enjoys a relaxed stroll around the neighborhood. He’s such a gentleman around other dogs, doesn’t bark at them or growl at them when he meets them, and actually seems to like canine company. Fletcher would make a wonderful addition to any family!

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