

3 lbs (toy)
Status: Adopted

Meet Fizz!! This tiny guy weighs in at a whopping 3lbs and is the size of a bubble. He will float his way straight into your heart with his itsy bitsy self. Even though Fizz is small, he really is a little go getter with a giant level of cuteness. Snap this boy up fast.

Here’s a note from his foster:

This 3.2 lb. mutt is a spunky and incredibly sweet companion who wants to be your best friend! He tries very hard to be brave and has learned how to go up and down stairs in a few days. I only have 3 steps but he was baffled the first couple days and waited for me to carry him up and down. Now he’s a champ and jumps up and down with ease. He’s also gotten used to riding in the car. At first he was nervous and wouldn’t relax but now he’s napping as we drive around. Fizz is happy to come along with me shopping and doesn’t make a peep from his dog carrier. I think he’s used to sitting in a dog carrier/bag and prefers this rather than just being carried.

Fizz likes cuddles but gets scared when picked up and carried in my arms. He will press against me and stiffen up, he will stay this way the whole time. Seems he’s afraid of falling, or getting dropped, and this is understandable considering his size! So I hold him IN the soft dog carrier and this helps relax him.

Sometimes if he’s overly excited or unsure what’s going on he will bark-yelp-screech-wimper, but he’s easy to calm with soft pets and reassurance that you aren’t going to hurt him. Each day this has gotten better, less often. I’d say after a week of consistent reassurance he will stop this completely.

He has the longest lasting shake from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail. He loves eating kibble more than soft food and has a very hearty appetite! Fizz must make eating kibble look good because now my other dogs are eating it kibble like it’s the best thing!

Fizz likes going out to do his business but if he can’t get out he knows to go on the potty pads or newspaper I have on the floor. He would like to sleep with me but he’s so little I’m afraid I’ll squash him so I put him with my 7lb. Chihuahua and they snuggle together on an electric blanket. Fizz sleeps fine throughout the night.

I’ve only heard Fizz bark once when a friend came in the backyard, but this stopped immediately when he realized it was ok.

Fizz is a love, he started to play with some squeaky toys even though most are the same size or larger than him! He is alert and constantly watches where I go, he usually gets up and follows but as he relaxes more in my home I notice he is also content to stay on the electric blanket I have set up in the kitchen and survey the action from there.

Fizz would be best in a home with another dog, or two. He gains confidence following and being around other dogs. He is like a shadow with each of my three small dogs and likes being close (not sure about big dogs).

Warning to future dog siblings: Fizz has no compunction climbing into any dog bed that already has a sleeping dog in it. He has no issues pushing his way to ‘sharing’ food at mealtime or treat time. He doesn’t give appropriate social distance or privacy when he follows on a potty breaks.

Fizz is wonderful, and loves my dogs as much as I do (whether they like it or not).

Fizz Fizz Fizz Fizz Fizz Fizz Fizz Fizz