

Status: Adopted

Oh Ferdinand, you’re the sweetest dog in the land! And perhaps the kissiest beagle to boot.

Ferdinand is a really loverboy beagle: he adores snuggling in close for cuddles and lots of kisses. He’s so handsome, with ears for days and big soulful eyes; who could possibly resist? We certainly can’t! Ferdinand can’t wait to be your partner for walks around town, enjoying the smells and making friends everywhere you go!

Here’s a note from his foster:

Ferdinand, or as we like to call him, Ferd Hapley, is going to make some beagle lover very happy! Bobby Newport agrees he’s sweeter than any beverage from Sweetums and we love him more than Leslie Knope loves Ann.

His favorite activities include watching Parks and Rec on the couch, sniffing around for food crumbs, and standing on top of our front entry table, looking out the window to survey the neighborhood like Burt Macklin. He is initially shy, but we think that maybe due to some limited hearing or eyesight. He gets around really well for an older guy and easily keeps up on walks with our dogs, the lengths of which would make Chris Traeger proud.

He’s totally neutral to our mutts of all sizes and ignores our chickens. He is a very typical beagle in that he will follows his nose and wanders outside and has tested every access point in our yard, not realizing our fence is much more secure than the one separating Pawnee and Eagleton. His future adopters should have a very secure fence or keep him on a leash outside if they live in an apartment. He’s an atypical beagle in that he doesn’t bay much, but he can be louder than John Ralfio on the rare occasion that someone knocks on our door.

Ferd will use our dog door to follow our dogs outside, but he’s still getting the hang of doing his business there. It’s only been 4 days though, and he doesn’t seem to have been an indoor dog previously. I think he will be much easier to teach things to than Andy Dwyer!

He’s already done very well with crate training and sleeps in one at night, and he will hang out in there on his own if the door is open when we are home. Personally I’d describe him as more of a Jerry/Larry/Gary; he’s just so nice and wants to say hello to everyone we pass on walks, and will curl up in laps of friends who come over to visit us. Treat yourself and apply to adopt him today!

Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand Ferdinand