Even Money & Ante

Even Money & Ante

Dachshund; Dachshund
Male; Female
10 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Ante and Even Money became friends the moment they met at a Dachshund Power rally back in college. He was wearing a homemade black and tan DP beret and she was lost on her way to physics. It’s been a few years, but they are as youthful, sleek and lively as ever. She is petite and sweet; he is a solid citizen with very good manners. They share a fondness for dogs and people, short walks and cuddles; and, after good times and bad, a deep love for each other. Looking for a relationship guru or two? We’ve got them. One pair of role models, coming up!

Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante Even Money & Ante