

Maltese/Poodle, Miniature
14 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Estrella’s smile is like a shining star, blazing out of that precious face with joy! This ridiculously adorable white fluff loves everyone: people, cats, other dogs, even chickens! Her love is infectious; in just moments you’ll love her too!


Estrella is so cute and a very good girl! She is such a sweet little snuggler and loves to be close and cuddly. She uses gentle, yet forceful, bossy-cute head nudges to tell human when it’s time to stop typing and start petting.!

She’s more of a brunch gal than a breakfast gal. She loves to sleep in and naps frequently during the day. Such a princess!

She seems to be housebroken, no accidents yet!

We’ve taken two 1-mile walks, and she probably could have gone even longer and she walks well on the leash. Not bad for a senior lady!

So far her dislikes include: squash, rice, vacuum cleaners, and descending indoor staircases! Because of this she’ll do best in a home with no stairs.

She got frisky with my leg a few times, but was cool about it when I told her that I like her, but I don’t "like like her. ;)

I left her home alone for an hour this morning, and she was fine. I didn’t hear any barking as I left or returned, and no accidents.

UPDATE: I discovered she loves to play fetch!! She went wild when I bought out the squeaky ball and watching her fluffy little body run after the ball is amazing!

She is just so CUTE!!!

Estrella Estrella Estrella Estrella Estrella Estrella Estrella Estrella