

Status: Adopted

A beautiful drifter has found her way to Muttville by way of her short legs and long body. Darcy is a shy and extremely mellow little pup who wants to be loved. She is a jack of all trades when it comes to getting attention. She knows the shoulder lean into your leg, she has mastered the come pet me stare, and she excels at the tail wag. How could anyone say no to those big round eyes and floppy ears? We sure can’t! So if you are looking for a new BFF and an adorable brindle Terrier to cruise around town with, Darcy is your girl!

Here are some notes from her foster:

Darcy is very soft and mellow she hasn’t barked once since I’ve picked her up. She is quite the lovebug, always wants to be pat and get attention. During the day bshe will sometimes go under the blanked and sleep for hours. Last two night she slept and did not leave her bed (as far as we know)

In the last 48 hours Darcy has only did her business outside so nothing in the home- could be she it house trained. Sometimes Darcy walks as if she has had two glasses of wine to much. Light stumbles, But she never falls, she always stays on all four!

Right now she is a little timid as she is still getting used to all of the changes happening around her. With some love and consistency she will hopefully settle in nicely. She is a Golden Girl – her personality is still coming out a little more everyday.

Darcy Darcy Darcy Darcy Darcy Darcy