

10 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Let’s hear it for the short kings! Curds may be a mini, but he’s mighty. This incredibly good boy is a peppy, active fellow with places to be, people to meet, and doggies to make friends with. But beware of that thick, luscious orange fur – once you start petting it you might not be able to stop. And then Curds would have to go home with you so you can continue to pet him forever. Oops! You just got yourself a new best friend!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Oh Curds… you’re a perfect little old man!

Curds is an ABSOLUTE GOOD BOY! He is the perfect WFH buddy and just likes to sit by his hooman and wants someone to rub his tummy and tell him he’s a good boy! Sometimes when he meets new people, he will roll over to show that his tummy needs some rubbings. At home, he just likes to nap all day next to me as I work. He’s quiet 95% of the time. He will sometimes bark when he hears a dog outside, but that’s pretty rare. Around people, he is very polite and likes to get pets and hellos from everyone. He is very social around people. He knows that more people means more pets and belly rubs.

Curds was very comfortable in my bed this night and did not want to get up. I carried him downstairs and he happily ate breakfast and showed good appetite and energy. He sleeps happily through the night. I left him alone for two hours and he did just fine!

Curds continues to be very low maintainance and very sweet. He goes potty on the fake grass that I have on the balcony, but he prefers to go potty on our walks (3x a day). In total we walked over 2 miles today. He seems happy on the walk and if he gets to tired I carry him in my dog pouch.

On our walks sometimes, he likes to pause walking when he’s tired or just wants to soak in some sunshine. Sometimes he will need a carry and I feel like a stroller might be in his future since he likes to stop and smell the roses on our walks. He has no leash reaction, which is great! When we meet other dogs on our walks, he usually wags his tail and does his sniffs. Even if the other dog doesn’t like him, he doesn’t take it personally and just walks away. But for the most part, he’s friendly with other dogs.

He is good with other dogs, but if there are multiple dogs around, he will pick one as his “best buddy” and guard him from the other dogs. He’s more ideal as a buddy dog to an already 1-dog household. Curds has a good appetite, goes on short walks and has very mellow energy!

Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds Curds