Crinkle Cut

Crinkle Cut

17 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted for hospice care

You might recognize this friendly potato from his A-list-celebrity days when he played the moody heartthrob in numerous 80’s rom-coms. Crinkle Cut loves the attention from fans sometimes, but most often he just wants to bop around and make new friends. You can be his forever person if you promise not to make too big a deal about getting his autograph.

This dog is hospice due to a life limiting condition.

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Crinkle Cut loves a good home cooked meal! He may not be able to see but once he is able to wonder around the house and figure out the space, he is very capable of getting around. He can navigate the steps and he is able to jump on and off the couch. He seems to have good hearing when we tap his food bowl he knows it’s dinner time!

Crinkle Cut is such a little gentleman! He LOVES other dogs, kids and getting petted. Hobbies include howling out on the patio, staring out the door feeling the wind on his face, sunbathing and getting stuck behind things.

He enjoys his sleep during the day and loves his walkies, he just needs a bit of guidance so he doesn’t bump in to things. 10/10 pup, would recommend!

Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut Crinkle Cut