Cozy Heart Penguin

Cozy Heart Penguin

Bulldog, French
21 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted

His name will fool no one. Yes, Cozy Heart Penguin can get cozy and clearly has a heart. But he is a French Bulldog. A small, snorting ball of sinew with deep caramel fur, black accents, many wrinkles and scrunchy velvet ears. He is also a character, which we mean in the best way possible. He loves to gently head butt a path into a scrum of people or dogs, kissing and snuffling his way to instant friendship. He is agile, as demonstrated by the hop, skip and jump he often uses to introduce himself, and identifies as very handsome. Come see for yourself!

Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin Cozy Heart Penguin