

10 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

While Cornflakes are the lesser-known breakfast of champions, Cornflake is the absolute dog of champions! With a toasted and golden coat, cute, squished nose, and one up, one down ears, Cornflake is sure to melt your heart at first sight. Not only is he sweet to look at, but his disposition is also delicious. He is perky and alert with an exceptionally mild bark and does very well with walks, stairs, dogs, and humans alike! Cornflake loves cuddles and is happiest while getting pets from you. Cornflake’s cuddles are scientifically known have the same effect as a good breakfast: fuels you up and gets you ready for a great day! Come see if you and Cornflake are just like cereal and milk – perfect together!

Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake Cornflake