

5 lbs (toy)
Status: Adopted for hospice care

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Oh, Cordelia! You are Adorbs x’s Infinity.

The important highlights? Impossibly quiet, spry, independent, laid-back, amazing with kids and handsy

admirers, Cordelia is very pleased to lounge on adoring laps. sleeps through the night, loves car rides, unbelievably chill with medicine – even needles!

ALSO: a dream on a leash and in a sling/bag, mildly curious and receptive with other dogs, and

completely unfazed by busy streets, bikes, tall curbs, the Pacific Ocean, skateboards, swarms of children,

etc., etc.

Cordelia. Is. So. Dang. Chill.

Those tiny legs go up and down the stairs, no problem. She will pause to see if you WANT to carry her, of

course; that’s just mannerly. When she wants something (she wants cheese) she lets you know with a

happy dance and cute stare, but is never ever insistent. Whip smart – and so considerate!

She full-on stops, sits, and smiles at that glistening gentleman lifting weights in his garage. You will have to pick her up with an embarrassed grin. Dark-haired/light-eyed cutie chatting on his stoop? Cordelia sniffs at a nearby bush until he breaks from his conversation to adore her. She wants to turn right but home is to the left? Go right. A pantsdop of Hotties McShirtless are on their afternoon jog. Trust her heat-seeking sniffer and you will be rewarded with a Halloween’s worth of candy.

Please note, I did say independent and meanders. Cordelia is an exceptional companion.

Two other critical caveats:

Tiny dog? Tiny bladder. C’s overnight control is gold, but she requires regularly-timed walks or… you know the consequences. (She is impeccable for about four hours during the day.)

And ffs, make sure your grooming tools are up to snuff. C’s honey locks are GORGEOUS and deserve respect! Avoid a matty mess. I volunteer for monthly brushing sessions with this Queen. Actually… I insist. Once you get a taste of sweet Cordelia, you’re hooked.

Meet Cordelia!
Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia Cordelia