

25 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted

Oh, Clive, we feel you, it’s easy having nowhere to call home, but you sure look adorbs while navigating around Muttville! Clive is a sweet, blended beagle with the cutest elevens on his forehead, telling you how hard he is thinking. He makes wrinkles look good, and wait until you catch his toddle. We know his perfect match is out there, is it you?

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Sweet little Clive has been making such great progress! Since he came from a hoarding situation, he was super nervous in the busy neighborhood around Muttville and would not walk. I put him in the car with my other dogs and we drove back to Vallejo and over to a quiet park area. With the company of the other dogs, Clive was happy to walk and sniff around with them. Every day since we’ve gone on hour long walks and hikes, Clive has some great endurance and loves to keep up with the pack.

The dogs have constant indoor/outdoor access, and Clive has proven to actually be pretty reliably housetrained and has never had an accident indoors. He easily figured out the magnetic screen door and takes himself in and out to go to the bathroom or sunbathe with the other pups. He’s a great eater and takes meds easily. We fed him separately at first as we were gauging his manners, but he now eats all meals with the other dogs with no issues.

He also really likes to play! We have 3 smaller seniors and one large senior pittie who is super playful and he and Clive play constantly. He’d probably do well with a younger dog who would like a playmate.

The longer Clive has been here the more relaxed he is getting with us. Clive is very gentle, easy to pick up or handle and does love affection, but he is initially very hand shy and does not like direct pressure. Potential adopters should be willing to go super slow with Clive, and let him warm up. He will follow the other dogs. Anything I need him to do, I ask another dog to do with us and that unlocks him if he’s stuck. Younger kids would likely stress him out, but a mellow older kid should be ok. Within our first week Clive is following us around and wants to be close. Since we’ve been very neutral with him, he’s learning to trust and feel more confident.

We’ve had many guests and he’s very easy, good in the car and sleeps well thru the night. He’s such a great little guy with a bright future! Our hope for Clive is a loving multi-dog home in a relatively quiet area where he can continue to blossom.

Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive