

Bulldog, English
52 lbs (large)
Status: Adopted

Toot toot! The wagon is pulling into town! What wagon? The Chuckwagon: it’s snorty, friendly and oh so adorable!

Chuckwagon is bull dog perfection. He can’t wait to find his forever home, with lots of belly rubs, snoring and love! The one thing he has decided is that he’d rather not share his space with a kitty cat. Ooooh Chuck!

Here’s what his foster has to say!

Chuck’s first night here was a complete success! Getting him home was a breeze, even if he needed a little assistance to heave his chunky bum into the car. On the road he was calm and happy to take in the sights. He didn’t even mind being stuck in traffic. At home, he was curious and confidently explored his new territory in the backyard and around the house. So far, he eats like a champ and has had no issue with senior dog food mixed with some chicken & rice.

Chuck has been sleeping in my room and prefers the floor over his bed (probably cooler on the hardwood). He sleeps through the night with no problems so far.

We’ve gone on a few walks around the neighborhood, and I am pleasantly surprised how easy Chuck is to walk. He doesn’t move too fast and can’t go for marathon walks, but he seems to enjoy laid back AM strolls.

I’d had workmen come to the house this week, and Chuck was eager to sniff and say hello. No barks, just some nudges for pets. He’s definitely fond of people and relishes attention!


Chuckwagon aka Chuck has been here for almost a week and has been a lovely addition to the house. He’s beyond cute with all his wrinkles and snorts. He’s definitely a people-friendly little guy and will shamelessly nudge ANYONE for some pets. He met another pup this weekend & made a new friend! He’s a polite dog & was good about giving and receiving friendly sniffs.

Chuck is currently getting eye meds & has been extremely cooperative when it’s time for his drops. He will squint his eyes, but never tries to wiggle away.

Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon Chuckwagon