

17 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Chimney is a senior schnauzer with a heart as warm as a cozy fireside. Chimney is quite handsome with a lovely gray coat (all natural, no soot!) and long legs. This wise senior is on the lookout for his forever home. Don’t be fooled if he’s a tad “blind” to the world – Chimney’s friendly spirit and tail that loves to wag truly warm up every room he enters. Give Chimney a chance and let him bring warmth, light, and love to your home!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Chimney is the sweetest, most loving boy! He has a mellow personality and he seems to be doing great with everyone, including kids and other animals. He adores pets, belly rubs and snuggling with you while watching TV-he definitely loves company!

I haven’t heard him bark yet; the only vocalization that I’ve heard from him is a bit of whining when he’s been alone for long and he’s bored. I’ve seen him interact with lots of dogs with different personalities, and he has always been very well-behaved. He’s also fine with car rides.

He’s a sucker for chewable bones (see the video below..!)-they can keep him busy for hours. Also, he doesn’t seem to be a picky eater so far. His poor vision doesn’t stop him from doing normal doggy things: it took only a tiny bit of guidance and practice, and now he has grown to love walks in the park and jumping on the couch to hang out!

In general, I would describe him as very sociable, gentle and easy-going!

Chimney Chimney Chimney Chimney Chimney Chimney Chimney Chimney