

20 lbs (medium)
Est. age: 15 yrs
Status: Available

A handsome Dachshund once surrendered for euthanasia, now has a chance for a new beginning. Chappie has a ton of life left in him. When he’s not busy fighting crime, or planning a party for the neighborhood mutts, he will most likely be cuddling up to his people. A lover not a fighter, Chappie has a heart of gold and buns made of steel. His rear end might be the first thing you see, but his heart will leave a lasting impression. Adopt Chappie today! He deserves it!

Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie Chappie