

Bichon Frise
20 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Caspian The Great! This vibrant and spunky senior has always remained a big kid at heart. He still loves to buy the sugary cereal brands that come with toys at the bottom of the boxes, and he also enjoys playing pranks on people! He has a contagious grin and the most amazing curly hair. His ears flop when he walks and his tongue shows itself with curiosity. We’ve heard he’s a great kisser but we’ll let you be the judge of that. Caspian always brings a smile to the faces of his friends and people he meets on a daily basis. He has an intoxicating personality that exudes happiness and adventure. Caspian is ready to explore the world with you and experience many things. He is hoping to find someone that will indulge in a serving of cookie crisp cereal swimming in a bowl of chocolate milk with him! Oh and heads up he’s a big fan of the whoopee cushion and will get you when you least expect it!

Caspian Caspian Caspian Caspian Caspian Caspian Caspian Caspian