

5 lbs (toy)
Status: Adopted

Who runs over here, runs over there, runs all around everywhere? It’s Busy, the teeny tiny maltese! This little guy needs an assistant to keep track of all of his appointments. Morning run followed by morning snack. After his Zoom interviews, Busy is off running again, to the dry cleaner to pick up his sweater vests, and then to the market for some organic chicken. Finally, Busy runs to the groomer for a touch-up before date night with guess who? You!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Busy is a “people person”-uh, I mean dog. He loves to meet new people, especially children, but also loves my son’s piano teacher. His favorite spot is anyone’s lap.

When he is not chilling out in his bed or curled up on a favorite piece of furniture, or on your lap while you watch TV, he will be following you around the house. When you’re eating a meal, he likes to sit in a chair so he can be where the action is, closer to eye level.

Busy does not like to stay home alone, and he likes to come for car rides and hang out in coffee shops (outdoor seating). But he will tolerate being home alone in an enclosed room (our kitchen which has a door) with food, water, a bed, and a light on. He likes to go for short walks a few times a day to smell the smells and stretch his legs.

He likes to take his liver medication tucked into a bit of cheddar cheese. Not a peanut butter fan. Also, only get white pee pads. He was very confused by the black ones with charcoal.

Read about Busy's new life.

Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy