Brussel Sprout

Brussel Sprout

Chihuahua, Short Coat/Mix
Status: Adopted

Meet tiny, sweet little Sprout!

Sprout is an adorable chihuahua mix and quite possibly the cutest mutt in the world! He has the derpy Muttville salute and an adorable little face not to mention those EARS!! He is an easygoing happy little dude. It’s adorable to watch him bop around greeting everyone he meets and will let you know he loves pets and snuggles promptly. Sprout will melt your heart and would make the perfect addition to any home.

Spring for Sprout today!


Brussel Sprout is such a sweet boy!

He is quite shy at first but has warmed up to me quickly and follows me all through the house. He sleeps with me and often has his nose buried in my shoulder. He is quiet, I haven’t heard a peep out of him yet.

He is very underweight, but his appetite is good and he gobbles up his food. He takes his meds easily and doesn’t fuss when I do his eye meds. He is so very soft and warm, which is a bit surprising considering his fur is not in the greatest shape and he is so skinny.

He knows to pee outside, but also marks when in the house (he’s still intact). Based on this issue, I use a belly band on him when he’s in the house and this should improve once he’s neutered!

Both his vision and hearing aren’t great, but he still manages to find his way around the house and find any morsel of food that may have dropped on the floor! It’s so ironic that he’s named after food, who knew?!

He can be slightly skittish due to not seeing well, but he has shown no signs of aggression or fearfulness. He makes for a good lap dog and loves napping in the afternoon sun. He has the sweetest big brown eyes which just add to his adorableness.

He is such a good boy, I hope he finds a special home that will give him as much love as he deserves!

Brussel Sprout Brussel Sprout Brussel Sprout