Bob Ross

Bob Ross

Miniature Poodle
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

I see a new tv show in the future….

The Joy of Mutts! And your host? Well of course, our mutt version of the beloved Bob Ross! Bob Ross not only looks like his tv namesake, he is also patient, friendly and loves a good landscape. Need a “how-to” on snuggles, love and affection? Bob Ross is your guy! Although our Bob Ross cannot paint white, fluffy clouds, he does love to take leisurely strolls under the clouds. Bob Ross is beloved among all, across all generations, two-legged and four-legged alike! Adults, kids, cats…all are enamored with Bob Ross. Grab your paintbrush, put the kids in the car (the cat can stay at home) and come on down to Muttville ASAP as this local treasure won’t be around for long!

Bob Ross is approximately 12 years young and weighs approximately 12 1/2 pounds

Watch Bob Ross bopping along!!
Bob Ross Bob Ross Bob Ross Bob Ross Bob Ross Bob Ross