

5 lbs (toy)
Status: Adopted

Little Bitsy is a sweet chihuahua lady with caramel brown patches and a highly boopable nose. While her name reflects her petite stature, you’ll find her big personality to be an absolute delight. This lovely lady is not lacking in the loving heart, docile demeanor, and all around snuggleability departments. She can’t wait to partner with you in helping her gain some weight (did we hear someone say extra treats?! Heck yeah!) and most importantly, forming a loving bond together to last the rest of her days.

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Itty Bitty Bitsy is soft, sweet, and like any old good Chi-lady, She may be a wee 5 pounds but her personality is huge!

Bitsy is cuddly yet stubborn, loves long naps, and while goofy in mannerisms, she is quite serious about meals. She loves being carried but also enjoys short walks, and when you scratch in just the right place, her hind end does the cutest dance!! She sleeps in her pop up tent at night and with easy access to the yard, she knows to do her business outside. She’s ok with other dogs but would be fine if she’s the one and only.

She would love an adult only home and because of her toothless grin, she’ll require lots of soft serve food. Bitsy is a great little munchkin and will provide endless entertainment as well as all of the sass. She is a hoot!

Bitsy Bitsy Bitsy Bitsy Bitsy Bitsy Bitsy Bitsy Bitsy