

7 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Bombshell Bethany has the most wanted ears in all of SF. Not only are they large and in charge, but they act as a navigation device. Positioned on top of her little Chihuahua body they help guide her through any obstacles in the room. Bethany may be blind, but her mind is stronger than ever! She will seek you out for love, attention, and snacks. When she’s not getting loved on- which is hardly ever- she enjoys short walks in the sunshine and a good paw massage at the end of the day!

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Tiny Bethany has settled in and started to reveal her huge personality! On walks, she trots along SO confidently and has even started to pick up some of the words I unintentionally repeat when I want to guide her – I think she’d really love training! She definitely recognizes my voice and is shockingly good at finding me.

Now that her mouth is feeling better, she also loves food and puzzle toys and chewing on bones! Tip: I’ve found that if you wave a treat/pill pocket in front of her nose and then set it on the ground, it’s easier for her to find than in your hand.

The biggest change is how playful and goofy she’s getting! Don’t get me wrong, she still naps like it’s her job, but once she hears you wake up in the morning, she is immediately wiggling around trying to find your hands because they need to be petting her NOW! She’s even started doing little play bows when she’s super excited. And you’ll know when she needs something (food, potty, etc) because she’s not afraid to let you know with the cutest gruff little yips – Bethany has found her voice!

She’s still completely chill around loud noises, doorbells, dogs barking outside, etc. She LOVES getting human attention and happily sat with me on Halloween while trick or treaters came by and gave her pets. She can get overwhelmed if she can’t figure out what’s going on with new dogs in her space – specifically if you’re holding her and new dogs come up barking around/under her. Once she knows who these dogs are and that they’re nearby (like at Muttville), she’s fine! If she’s on the ground when new doggo friends approach, she wants to sniff and might give a little bark or two but is much more relaxed.

Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany