Beanie Baby

Beanie Baby

11 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Hold onto your hat (and heart), here comes Beanie Baby! This foxy delight is peppy, friendly and fun, a fancy dancer chock full of wiggly wagginess. Her coat has seen better days, but with some TLC it’ll surely improve. Our Beanie Baby is just as cute and lovable as her namesake, but she’ll hold her value furrever!


Beanie Baby has been settling in nicely! It’s taking her a little time to warm up, but what can you expect from a little dog who was living alone on the streets?!

She has only gone pee in the house twice and that was the first night and she made it onto the pee pads. What a good girl!

She does not require a lot of potty breaks; we take her about 3 or 4 times daily and that’s so she can also get her exercise by walking.

Beanie Baby can handle stairs just fine, although sometimes I carry her down as she seems to want that. She can also easily jump up and down from the couch. She’s pretty good on the leash, although she has a tiny learning curve to understand what it is all about. She does not like having the leash or harness put on her at all, but we are working on that and she is getting better about it every day. She does not mind the noise on our street.

At night, Beanie sleeps in a little doggie bed right next to our bed and she sleeps the whole night through! She likes to be in whatever room we are in. I have not left her alone yet so not sure how she is with separation although we will test that soon.

She definitely likes to be held; I can even hold her like a baby for a short period of time. She also likes having her hind quarters scritched! She’s affectionate but is not overly needy of it. Most times, she will wait for you to invite her onto your lap for snuggles and belly rubs – what a well mannered little lady!

If we go into the kitchen to make food, she will follow us in there to supervise. However, if I direct her back up onto the couch, she will easily follow my directions. She LOVES cheese, but other treats she will not take from my hand. However, if I set one down, she will go grab it and take it into one of her beds to enjoy.

I haven’t seen her around other dogs yet, I’m going to test her soon with that. My cat she was very interested in, but if I tell her "leave it she’s good about redirecting her attention. I think it may help that my cat is bigger than her and hissed at her once to let her know not to mess around!

While I cannot say Beanie loves baths, she will tolerate them fine with plenty of reassurance.

She has only alert barked a couple of times when people were in our backyard. They are cute little "woof type barks followed by a real bark (not piercing though, just little old lady barks).

All around she is such an amazing little sweetheart. I let her know that she may have gotten lost, but her time to be a princess is now. I think she is very happy about that!!

Beanie Baby Beanie Baby Beanie Baby Beanie Baby Beanie Baby Beanie Baby Beanie Baby Beanie Baby Beanie Baby Beanie Baby