

10 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Beadie is a little chi with frappuccino fur who never stops smiling. Spry and unassuming, she toddles around in a bubble of positivity, sniffing dogs and greeting humans with an open grin that says: You’re doing great! She’s always the first one to say I love you, and she really means it. Beadie welcomes a gentle touch, moderate exercise and ride-sharing service up and down the stairs. Come make her acquaintance! Consider it a wellness practice.

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Beadie may be a bit shy at first, but once you earn her trust, she’ll melt into your lap for endless cuddles. Her favorite pastimes include leisurely walks and cozy napping sessions curled up in her favorite blanket. Despite her initial reserve, Beadie’s gentle spirit and love for simple pleasures (freezed dried chicken) make her a cherished companion to anyone lucky enough to share their home with her.

Beadie Beadie Beadie Beadie Beadie