

Jack Russell Terrier
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

“B” is for beautiful, blissful and bright-eyed … Bea!

Bea is a beyond-beautiful little Terrier with big brown eyes and bewitching fur that fluffs out around her like a brassy feather boa! Let Bea, entertain you! If there was ever a sassy mutt that could easily take center stage anywhere that she goes, it’s Bea. Whether it’s on a simple walk around the block, or a more choreographed short jog around the neighborhood, Bea will turn heads everywhere! Yes, the reviews are in, and Bea definitely has that special something that we call “charisma”! This lovely little lady is so extraordinary she’ll make you want to float like a butterfly and sting like a Bea! Now, don’t you wish your dog-friend was hot like Bea? Come by Muttville and meet Bea today!

Watch Bea here!
Bea Bea Bea Bea Bea Bea Bea Bea Bea Bea Bea