

9 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Barnaby is a scrumptious scruffimuffin with ears for days! He loves pets and a good long snooze in a big bed (we hear he likes to sleep with his people). He may be hearing and vision impaired, but that doesn’t slow him down one bit; Barnaby loves to zoom zoom zoom! Playful and snuggly? How can you resist?!


Barnaby is such a sweetie! He tried to hop into the car as soon as I opened the door to load his food. He didn’t quite make it all the way in, but he was ready to go and he handled the drive easily.

He starts prancing as soon as you get his leash and runs as fast as his little legs will take him on his walks. He shows interest in other small dogs, but due to his kennel cough hasn’t actually met any of the locals yet. He shows no interest in big dogs whatsoever.

Barnaby can’t quite get down stairs easily, but this does not stop him from trying. He will not wait for you either, so it’s pick him up before he decides to cannonball down. He will also try to jump onto your lap if you sit anywhere, because he doesn’t realize his little legs can’t get him all the way up there yet.

He loves a lap, knows exactly how to cuddle with a blanket, and how to find cozy spots all over the house. His favorite spot will be your lap or curled right next to you. Even though he likes to nap a lot of the day, he has bursts of energy and likes to be in the thick of family life. He patrols the house or yard while we play with our toddler, stopping by to check on all of us and sometimes join in the play.

Barnaby is sweet and gentle with our 1 year old, frequently coming over to sniff and nuzzle him, but gingerly steps around the kiddo if not in the mood to play. We’ve been taking him on about a mile walk each day and have lots of outdoor playtime in the yard. If he’s had a good walk he will often come inside before us and nap until we join him.

He hasn’t uttered a sound since coming here; a very quiet affectionate guy.

He’s had a few accidents in the house, but seemed to know he wasn’t supposed to have them and hid afterward. We’ve been working on house training, and had no accidents today! We haven’t picked up on his signals for potty breaks yet, but with frequent trips out and an open door to the yard, the accidents have abated. He’s learned a specific spot to go outside, so he can pick up training.

He doesn’t respond to any other commands we’ve tried, but learned “go potty” quickly. Barnaby got a little stressed when I lay down on the floor to play with the kiddo. He nudged me with his nose and seemed upset until I was sitting and active. The first night Barnaby was worried when the kiddo cried protesting bedtime, but now he takes all the sounds our kiddo makes in stride and we haven’t seen him react with fear or stress to anything else.

Barnaby is an incredibly sweet, gentle, social little guy!

Barnaby Barnaby Barnaby Barnaby Barnaby