

Chihuahua Mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted


Balooga loves walks around the neighborhood, and exploring! He also loves napping and quietly curls up in his bed while I work next to him. When he wakes up he will have bursts of energy and want to see what I’m up to (and likely see if I want to take him for a walk or give him a snuggle!). He’s super sweet and affectionate, loves to climb in your lap and be pet or give you licks!

He doesn’t get overly excited unless I have a treat! He hasn’t barked yet but that might be because of his cold. I get the sense he wants to bark at me to stop working and play with him, but I’ve told him no and he generally listens and goes back to his play area. He doesn’t seem very interested in toys (or chewing my things!).

So far so good, no accidents for this little guy! He’s clearly been house trained and will diligently do his business outside.

He is comfortable walking on a leash, and loves exploring! He’s quite the little adventurer, loves climbing through flowers and bushes to see what’s happening. We haven’t had many interactions with other dogs, but when he sees them he stops to look and gives them space, but doesn’t appear aggressive or overly scared, just cautious.

He sleeps great overnight usually 7 hrs and he hasn’t woken me up or whined. I get the sense he’d sleep in another hour if he could! He’s not a picky eater, has taken down his breakfast and dinner quickly with no fuss!

Overall sleeps well and has good spunky energy when we go for our walks. He’s a sweet little guy who seems like he was well loved by his previous family.

Balooga Balooga Balooga