

Terrier, Staffordshire Bull
51 lbs (large)
Status: Adopted

Have you ever looked up "perfect in the dictionary? No need to. It’s just a picture of Babka. This beautiful, friendly girl is a dream. She has good vibes emanating from every pore. Everyone who meets her gets the same melted, love-struck look on their face. She’s friendly, easy-going, and sweet with absolutely everyone, including all the little dogs here at Muttville. She’s a fab walking partner and an even better cuddle partner! Come meet this poster-girl of good-dog-ness! (edit

Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka Babka