

17 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted


She may be a senior but this sweet lady sure doesn’t act like one! Everyone is dying to know exactly what this diva uses to stay so jam-packed with youth. How does she keep her girlish figure? Talk about long waist and a big behind. Baby got back! Unfortunately nobody has been able to get her to divulge what the secret elixir is. When asked she simply pulls out her jedi mind tricks. Does zoomies around you in circles until you’re dizzy and completely forget what the question was. Her spirit is intoxicating and her beauty is one of a kind! Pups everywhere pay big bucks for her signature look. The one ear up, one ear down visage is truly one of a kind. It cannot be bought or bottled. She was born this way!

Here’s a note from her foster:

Amanda is a super sweetheart and her gaze just melts my heart. She is definitely on the shy side and took a while to get comfortable but she is doing well with routine and generally seems housetrained. I currently take her out every 4 hours during the day and she hasn’t had an accident overnight (7-8 hrs). She loves to take her time and sniff everything she finds outdoors but is a bit picky about which streets she likes to walk on. (For example, she does not like walking by our neighboring soccer field for some reason, but she does enjoy sniffing around on the street with all the restaurants, especially the outdoor dining patrons who inadvertently leave her something to find!)

Her deliberate investigation of every garden and driveway has helped me notice and appreciate the little beautiful things about my neighborhood I used to rush past with faster dogs. It also means that when I try to take her with me on quick errands, they become slow errands :) A funny thing about Amanda is that on our little adventures, instead of stepping off curbs, she will wind herself up and take a huge leap even if it’s not a big step! She does this for one-off steps but is unable to go up or down stairs. She seems friendly with other dogs we see on the street and sometimes cowers when we meet a not-as-friendly dog who wants to lunge or bark at her but shakes it off easily and goes on her way.

At home, she likes to snooze on her bed or follow us around whenever we are eating and even tries to catch phantom pieces of food she thinks we might have tossed her way, ha! I am guessing she received lots of table scraps in her previous life! When I give her a treat, she will spend the next 10-15 minutes sniffing the floor looking for any crumbs she might have missed. She is a champion eater and will scarf down her food and meds with no issue.

Amanda does not seem to be a cuddler at home but she was very content napping in my lap on a car ride so I am not sure -maybe she is picky about when it happens! She is unfazed by loud sounds but is skittish around fast movements so we try to walk slowly and move gently around her. She shakes, sploots on the floor, or tries to escape when I pick her up so I only do it when necessary but she is beginning to tolerate it. She doesn’t bark at all and makes no noise other than the cutest light snores when she’s napping. She has shown zero separation anxiety and is perfectly content napping at home when we are out running errands. She showed a wee bit of interest in going after tennis balls but really not much compared to other dogs. Her favorite place to be pet is the top of her head and between her eyes, and she also appreciates a neck massage once in a while. After 5 days of living with us, she showed us the briefest of tail wags and we are so excited that Amanda is coming out of her shell.

Amanda would be so happy to join a calm household and receive all the treats and scritches she can get!

Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda