

7 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

This tiny chunk is so cute it’s hard to look directly at her. Alison might have some mobility issues now, but her lusciously soft fur and tiny fox features remain just as perfect as they were in her youth. Best of all, she won’t need her leggies once you agree to ferry her around whenever she asks. We’d carry you anywhere, Alison.

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Alison is a very sweet dog and has the softest ears that just can’t be captured in a photo. She loves to curl up in bed and burrow under her blanket. As she has been warming up, she’s become a clear fan of scratches behind the ears and even belly rubs sometimes.

She’s a pretty independent dog, happy to stay in her bed as we move around the home or to be left alone if we go out to run errands. She’s also really quiet, we haven’t heard a whine or a bark out of her after having her in our home for almost a week. She naps a lot during the day and also sleeps through the night in her dog bed.

She is potty trained, never going inside and being super efficient about going as soon as we bring her outside.

She has a great appetite and is happy to eat any medication you put in with her food.

Alison does have some mobility problems that make it easiest for her to be carried from place to place like the princess she is. She has been doing well with very short walks outside (less than a block) but her legs seem a little weak and she’ll let you know when she’s tuckered out by rolling over at your feet.

She is a great snuggle companion. When you put her on your lap or chest she looks right into your soul with her big eyes. It’s so obvious she has a ton of love to give!

Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison Alison