

31 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted

Aces will make you feel so lucky to know him! This ace of spaces is one handsome guy. It’s almost hard to believe that he is a senior and has so much pep! Aces really loves people the most and makes best friends with everyone he meets. He also enjoys the company of other dogs, and is a very good boy. Of course Aces is a “talker” as most beagles are and ideally would love to life in a home with a yard where he can stretch out and be vocal if he wants to be. You tell us Aces! Aces is a wonderful guy and will bring so much joy to his new family.


“Aces is an absolute angel!! He’s quiet, super sweet, and cute as could be! He sleeps quite a bit during the day, very chill dude. He loves to snuggle and sleep on you. He prefers the couch or bed over a doggy bed, and he doesn’t shed on them which is very nice!

He’s still young too! If he’s 7 then he’s a young 7. Definitely a small amount of arthritis, but his medication seems to clear that up for the most part. He loves to go on walks too and he’s potty trained! He had one little incident in the house on day one but that’s just because he was adjusting.

He’s not a huge fan of other dogs – my guess is it’s due to under socializing as a pup – so he may need to be an ‘only child’. He’s just the best boy and his new forever family will be so lucky to have him in their life!"

Aces is a real hole in one!
Aces Aces Aces Aces Aces Aces Aces Aces